I'd like to use this blog as a platform for small episodic illustration projects. After all, if I know there's a chance someone will look, it'll motivate me more. My main interest is set design and I'm trying to forge the beginnings of a career at the moment, so wish me luck. But in the meanwhile, I never get tired of doodling...
Currently I have an ongoing series of 'Unfortunate dragon no.#' sketches. My memory of how these originated is a little clouded, but I was told a couple of times that they were cute, and that's all the encouragement I needed to continue... This is the first one I ever sketched - they've changed a little since:
I'm also doodling Battersea Power Station a lot. I have loved and been fascinated by it as long as I can remember, always making sure I get that precious momentary glimpse of it when I'm on a train pulling in or out of Waterloo, taking endless photographs of it, trying my hand at a stop-motion with a pop-up image of it, and even once constructing a model of it [..not to scale] out of 3 mars bars for a competition. I took a train to London one crisp winter's day a few years ago just for the opportunity to stand inside it's giant walls - a beautiful haunting ruin of a cathedral to industry - it is never far from my mind, so we'll see where that goes!