Sunday, 10 March 2013

Dystopian Future?

I've not posted in a while so I thought I'd put up my entry for the BBC What If? competition, which I sent in for last friday's deadline. The brief was very open, saying only: What if you had a vision of the future? You could interpret this in any way you wished, and produce a piece of animation or still art to respond to this question. I decided to give it a go and this is what I came up with.

The entries have to be entirely pictoral, with no text element whatsoever as it is an open world-wide competition and the images should tell the story by themselves. But this was my thinking behind the image:

I imagined a future world where high-rise buildings are prevalent and people have retreated underground, living in faux-traditional housing under glass domes which still expose them to, yet protect them from, the sun's rays. The views of idyllic countryside out of town exist only as a digital rendition of what 'used to be' as people lose control over what they know to be real and what is purely manufactured imagery, whilst the real 'outside' landscape comprises decaying heaps of landfill: A definite case of "Out of sight, out of mind."

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